The art workshop is very important within global learning, focusing on student’s development. Our students have art workshops during 4/6 hours per week. During these periods, they develop their artistic and manual skills, having to deal with different materials in order to come up with new techniques, abilities and creative processes.
Handcraft activities enhance self-confidence. Students will also need to be proactive and self confident in order to take decisions, face challenges, learn to look for solutions, and depending on the qualities of the different materials they use, they must discover different ways to transform them.
The art workshops also help teenagers develop their own will by connecting thinking with action which is something very important for a healthy and balanced maturative development.
In a similar way, students develop accuracy skills without leaving aside the sense of esthetics nor the search of the harmonic form, nor their personal expression.
Workshops include art disciplines that use different techniques:
- Woodcarving
- Clay modelling
- Textile (cobbler, leather, felt, tailoring and loom techniques)
- Sculpture
- Painting
- Drawing
- Forging copper and metal
- Stained glass
- Basketry