Rudolf Steiner conceives the human being as someone who evolves on different levels: physical, emotional and spiritual, while walking a path that seeks to develop own individuality in a society that continually tends to obliterate personal trends.
The harmonious development of the different parts of the human being begins at birth. And the first three seven-year periods are essential since it is during this first 21 years that the creative and formative forces are developed. In this context, the role of the school teacher is like that of the artist who allows the different materials to express all their intrinsic possibilities to enable a work of art to emerge, The Waldorf Pedagogy conceives a human being as a free, creative and full of solidarity person, capable to adapt to changes without fears. This way, young people will develop all the aspects of their personality in harmony.
It is for this reason that all subjects are oriented to boost intellectual, emotional and physical capabilities on a balanced and rhythmical way.
Personal experiences are considered very important at this stage of learning, Waldorf seeks that students learn to learn from life.
Considering the experience achieved as the first step, one will reach the appropriate intellectual standards that correspond to each development level.
Through steady work, independent judgement and firm commitment, our students will be able to develop positive transformation projects for the world when they become adults.
All of this will be possible if adults succeed to develop teenagers emotional world in a balanced manner.
Nowadays it is more necessary than ever to ensure that our children reach adult age with self confidence, with a high level of creativity, solidarity and with focus to cooperative work. Waldorf is willing to educate free individuals who are able to draw a purpose and a direction to their lives.
Waldorf pedagogy is well known and well considered in countries such as Finland, U.S.A. or Germany. UNESCO describes it as an educational system that focuses on the human being and that currently is experiencing an exponential growth all over the world.
Regarding our school, Tretzevents, we count with Fabio Marchessini as our mentor He is an expert Waldorf Secondary Schoolteacher since 1989. During 2015-2016 we also received support and assessment from Christopher Clouder, president of Waldorf International Federation.